Hot Water Re-Circulation

Over the past 28 years of being a plumber, I have been asked, an uncountable number of times, “Why does it take forever to get hot water to my shower, kitchen sink, bathroom”, so on and so forth. If it takes 30 seconds or more to get hot water to any fixture in your home; that’s too long.

Optimize Water Pressure

If you notice that strange things are happening in your home that are not normal. Toilets start to ghost flush or run, pipes are clunking or banging, or you notice that the pressure from a faucet is stronger than normal. You probably have high water pressure.

Garbage Disposal Service and Installation

It's highly recommended that every kitchen have one. No matter how careful, food can get washed down the drain which can lead to stoppages.
Garbage disposals pulverize food by slinging it to the inside wall of the unit which looks like a cheese grater. Fibrous items like potato peels and carrot peels should not be put down the garbage disposal. Instead, throw them in the trash.

Helpful Garbage Disposal Tips

  • Run the disposal at least once a week to keep it from freezing up and not working when you need it

  • Rely on ½ horsepower up to 1 horsepower Insinkerator Garbage Disposals

  • The average life span of garbage disposal is 10-12 years depending on how it is used and maintained

  • Warranties from Insinkerator range from 2 years to 7 years depending on the unit